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The Remote Revolution: How Remote Work Trends are Reshaping Homebuying in Perth, WA

Dec 18, 2023

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The surge in remote work has fundamentally transformed the way people approach their professional lives, and this shift is reverberating through the real estate landscape. In Perth, Western Australia, the impact of remote work on homebuying trends is palpable, with individuals and families reevaluating where and how they want to live. In this analysis, we'll explore the key factors driving these changes and delve into the types of properties that are becoming increasingly sought after in the wake of the remote work revolution.

  1. Geographic Flexibility and Lifestyle Choices:

The freedom of remote work has untethered individuals from the traditional constraints of commuting. As a result, Perth residents are reconsidering their living arrangements, opting for locations that align with their preferred lifestyle rather than proximity to the office. Coastal suburbs, such as Scarborough and Cottesloe, are witnessing increased interest, offering a harmonious blend of work-from-home convenience and a relaxed coastal atmosphere.

  1. Suburban Resurgence:

The appeal of suburban living is on the rise as remote workers seek spacious homes with dedicated office spaces and outdoor amenities. Suburbs like Dalkeith, Nedlands and Claremont, known for their character homes, leafy streets and large blocks, are becoming magnets for those looking to escape the hustle of the city center while maintaining connectivity for work through reliable internet infrastructure.

  1. Home Office Essentials:

The demand for homes equipped with functional and comfortable home office spaces has surged. Perth homebuyers are prioritizing properties with dedicated workspaces, whether it's a separate room, a converted study, or an adaptable living space. Real estate developers are responding to this trend by emphasizing flexible floor plans that cater to the evolving needs of remote workers.

  1. Embracing Smart Technology:

With the increased reliance on remote work, there's a growing emphasis on homes equipped with smart technology. Buyers in Perth are seeking properties with integrated smart home features, from automated lighting and climate control to robust internet connectivity. These technological amenities are viewed as essential for a seamless remote work experience.

  1. Lifestyle Amenities Beyond Work:

The traditional factors influencing homebuying decisions, such as proximity to workplaces and schools, are being complemented by a new set of considerations. Homebuyers are placing greater importance on lifestyle amenities, including access to parks, recreational spaces, and vibrant local communities. Areas like Subiaco and Leederville are thriving as people seek a balance between work and leisure.

  1. Investment Opportunities:

The changing dynamics of remote work have not only impacted primary residences but have also influenced investment strategies. Properties suitable for short-term rentals, such as Airbnb, are gaining popularity as individuals explore opportunities to turn their homes into income-generating assets during periods of remote work-related travel.


The remote work revolution is reshaping the way people in Perth approach homebuying. As the boundaries between work and home continue to blur, individuals are making decisions based on lifestyle preferences, home office requirements, and access to amenities. The real estate market in Perth is evolving to meet these demands, with a shift towards suburban living, smart home technology, and properties that cater to the multifaceted needs of the modern remote worker. As we navigate this transformative period, Perth's real estate landscape is adapting to accommodate the changing face of work and living.